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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

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Journal Of Sports Nutrition

Journal Of Sports Nutrition Sport Nutrition education includes learning how to enhance clients� workouts and maximize their results with proper nutrition, safe and effective sports supplements, and beneficial vitamins and minerals.

This is a sample module from a university that offers Sports Nutrition in the collegiate level:

Level 1

Studies include an introduction to learning and assessment in higher education and the wider context of your subject.
� Basic Sports Science
� Science for Sport
� Human Physiology
� Data Analysis
� Introduction to Nutrition
� Professional Studies
� Functional Anatomy

Level 2

This level addresses issues related to hire-ability and professional practice.

� Exercise Physiology I
� Nutritional Physiology and Biochemistry I
� Human Nutrition
� Research Methods
� Nutritional Physiology and Biochemistry II
� Biomechanics, Sport Psychology, Physical Performance Assessment

Level 3

Level 3 further develops your skills in independent problem identification and analysis.

� Exercise Physiology II
� Applied and Environmental Physiology
� Energy Metabolism
� Muscle Structure and Function
� Sensory and Motor Physiology
� Sports Nutrition

In practical terms, students of sports nutrition education learn:

� How nutrients are taken in and how foods are digested and metabolized to provide necessary energy to fuel muscular activity.
� Dietary patterns that maximize performance and prevent disease.
� Research advancements in ergogenic aids.
� Supplementation and the pros and cons of popular diet techniques.
� Sample eating plans showing how to fuel for specific workouts.
� How to distinguish among food, diet, and supplement options and understand which are best and why.
� How to overcome food and weight obsessions.
� How to lose undesired body fat while maintaining energy for exercise.
� Strategies to boost energy, reduce stress, control weight, improve health & enhance workouts.
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A Sports Nutrition Education Artilce for Your Viewing

Sports Nutrition - What Should You Eat

So,you would like some help in determining what foods are ideal for the pre game meal or maybe just an overall look at what you should be eating.

Here's a break down that will help you.

Foods High In Carbohydrates

The first and most important aspect of sports nutrition is to provide your body with the building blocks of what it needs to perform. That is in the carbohydrates.

Here are some foods that are ideal to consume as high carbohydrate foods. In other words, these are the foods to eat prior to your game, your competition or your events.


Potatoes are high in starch and carbohydrates. They make for the ideal pre event meal choice. You can eat them any way that you would like including baking them, mashing them, pan frying them, broiling them and so on. Avoid deep frying them (no French fries please! Check out on Trans FAT.)

Also you need to be careful with what you put on them. Things like butter or gravy can be heavily saturated with fats that you do not need. Sour cream goes along with that.

If you can't live without it, then consider cutting down on how much of the condiment or additional additive you place on them.


Even if you are not Italian, you probably have lots of pasta in your home. It's a quick and easy meal and it's great for sports nutrition preparations.

There are many choices out there including a variety of noodle shapes from macaroni to ravioli, to spaghetti and everything in between.

You can top it with spaghetti sauce or go without.

Be careful when you add oils, butter, or heavy sauces to the pasta though. You should also not top it with too much meat either, especially if this is pre game a experience. Cheese too should be avoided or kept at a minimum especially if it contains lots of fat.

Rice, Cereals, Bread ?


A large confusion has to do with fruits. Because they are sweet, they seem to be something that is not good for us. While they do have sugar in them, it is natural sugars that allow our bodies to better stay hydrated and to have the carbohydrates that we need. Therefore, these types of juices are quite worthwhile to consume.

Your options are many and should include things like oranges, bananas, and apples. In the form of whole fruits, most are easy for your body to digest and will provide the necessary nutrition that you need.

In the way of juices, you will want to look at what is in them. You do not want your fruit juices to have more than 8 percent of carbohydrates or electrolytes as this will make them harder for your body to digest.

Dairy Products

If you have to have your milk with your breakfast by all means have it. Actually, any and all low fat dairy products are perfect for the sports nutrition guide. Try a variety of things including low fat milk, low fat cheeses, low fat yogurts and others.

Again, avoid things that are high in fat or that are added to the dairy products such as chocolate.

P.S. Latest breakthroughs in health - to remain and achieve OPTIMAL Health, you need certain ESSENTIAL Sugars! Breast's milk contain some of them. So, open out eyes about 'sweet' - it is saying - not all sugars are bad. Check out what Glyconutrients are, and what latest scientific reseaches reveal.

Paul S is passionate about helping people who train hard, work hard, study hard, to stay not just healthy, but at OPTIMAL Level. He is also passionate about sharing the reality about food we eat today as compared to the last 50 years which our forefathers enjoyed. His main site is at

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