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Friday, May 29, 2009

Definition Of Sports Nutrition, Article Of The Day

Sports Nutrition Protein Bars

Sports Nutrition Protein Bars Extreme Sports Nutrition for the Motorcyle Rider

The subject of sports nutrition has become unquestionably important nowadays now that the whole concept of sports has become evolved and has been receiving immense media attention. Athletes and spectators alike are now comprehending the weight of the status that professional sportsmen now carries.

This realization has pushed lots of initiatives to produce the latest and most effective in sports nutrition and training, not excluding those for extreme sports. During the old days, athletes have relied steadily on the carefree formula of fastfood fare and energy drinks.

Now that competition is growing more and more intense each day, athletes are now acquiring the expertise of sports science experts to make sure that they can maximize their physical and mental potentials to its outmost limits.

To have a better understanding of the efficacy and significance of extreme sports nutrition, one can look at the training regimen in motorcycle sports, one of the most popular extreme sports around.

A motorcycle rider takes in a lot of punishment in his body. Because of this, a rider must consider his overall physical fitness as much as his technical skills in competitions. He needs to establish hydration and stamina in his physique in order to keep up with the rigors of the motorcycle events.
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A Sports Nutrition Education Artilce for Your Viewing

Fatigue Nutrition Is The New Sports Nutrition

Today I am a proposing a new definition to the popular term Sports Nutrition. I would like Sports Nutrition to be called Fatigue Nutrition. Why? Because I believe that all endurance sports are based on the body?s ability to combat fatigue.

I have been a runner now for 10 years and the most constant factor that affects my training and racing is fatigue. When the body and mind become fatigued only rest or nutrition can reverse the effects.

Fatigue Nutrition is based on common sense and real life research. The common sense is eating a balanced diet consisting of non processed foods, fruits and vegetables. The research comes from 10 years of running and studying the great minds of endurance exercise and sports nutrition.

Have you ever wondered what effects diet and rest have on endurance exercise? Try running a half marathon after eating a hamburger, French fries and a 32 oz soda. You would instantly know why Fatigue Nutrition is so important. Or try running a marathon after only sleeping two or three hours a night for a week.

How does Fatigue Nutrition work? By eating nutrient rich foods that the body needs to build and repair itself. Timing the intake of food with fluids to charge the mind and body for increased fatigue resistance.

Meal timing is the most misunderstood concept of Fatigue Nutrition. To successfully complete an endurance exercise session one must hydrate properly, eat properly and allow time for the body to utilize the nutrients and hydration that it has received. A common misconception is that the body needs food before a morning workout. Believe it or not food that was consumed from supper the day before will still provide the fuel for a great workout. Why? The muscles still have glycogen stored in them that will provide energy to use. You will still need to hydrate before the start of your morning workout of course.

Why this works so well is because the food was completely digested and the muscles are receiving the oxygenated blood in full supply. When the muscles have to share blood with the stomach during digestion they are sharing oxygen and blood volume.

After the morning workout. Fatigue Nutrition plays an extremely important role. As soon as you have completed your workout begin recovery. Drink 16 - 32 oz of a sports drink. Take your shower and have a good breakfast. Oatmeal with fruit and granola is an excellent choice. By refueling the body as well as the mind you will reduce fatigue during your work day and also be more alert to perform your daily tasks.

People will be amazed at how productive they will be during the day after working out in the morning. Following Fatigue Nutrition guidelines in the morning and getting a good night?s rest you will be unstoppable.

About the Author:

Curt Shryack is from Moline,IL.
The author of Fatigue Nutrition and Endurance Exercise.



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