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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

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Sports Nutrition Education For Your Reading Pleasure

Efficient Sports Nutrition Products

When it comes to working out, there are literally thousands of different products which claim that they can assist your body in gaining muscle while burning fat. It can be quite difficult to sort out the truly effective products amongst the shams. In this article, we'll inform you about some of the most useful products that you can by to supplement your workout plan.

One product which has received a high amount of respect in the world of weightlifting is known as creatine monohydrate. This substance is produced in minute quantities within the body, and it helps the body by providing energy to the muscles. Since your muscles get extra energy when you take creatine, you can push your workout a few reps further, therefore increasing the likelihood of a muscle mass gain. It also causes water molecules to bond more efficiently to muscles, causing them to be of an increased size while on the formula. Be cautioned, though; when you stop taking creatine, you will lose much of this water-weight. Creatine is still efficient, however, due to the extra energy that it allows. Creatine is often used in cycles by bodybuilders to ensure that their body does not face decreased creatine production, with a common regimen consisting of a twenty gram per day ?loading period' for the first week, followed by three weeks of ten grams per day. Next, you skip taking creatine for four weeks. In this way, the body's natural creatine production is not altered by the supplementation.

Glutamine is another supplement that is often revered by serious bodybuilders. It performs a number of functions within the body, and it is the most abundant amino acid that can be found within the human skeletal muscle system. Those who take glutamine often find themselves having shorter recovery times, a boost in immune functioning, and a higher growth hormone output. All of these aspects can be most helpful to an aspring bodybuilder, and glutamine, creatine, and protein are the staples of most serious bodybuilders' supplement programs. Be sure to read any health risks that a supplement may have before beginning a regimen - not every supplement is right for every type of person and it's important to do all that you can to protect your health.

About the Author:

Kadence Buchanan writes articles on many topics including Sports, Games, and Recreation

